Dan returned to Miami to witness the devastation of hurricane Irma as the clean up continued. Thankfully, we had only minor damage on the roof top terrace and scratches on True South. Marcia, Carla and Allesondro took another couple of weeks in Europe traveling around northern Italy.
Back home it was great to see our friends, play tennis, and take in lots of performances. Christmas found us in St Augustine to visit Marcia’s mother and some of the siblings.
Our New Years party was a grand affair and features some musicians from Barcelona together with friends and family. In January, Marcia enjoyed some Colorado skiing with brother Tim and family while Dan visited his brother in Rhode Island.
The Gala at Fairchild Gardens was a wonderful affair followed shortly thereafter by our Art’s Festival/Boat Show party. Many old friends, including two ex-captains of Canim, and a number of new ones made this a great time again.
Off to Barcelona for a week to finish up the summer plans, check on the boat and take in an opera and a concert. Marcia and Carla take a short trip to take in some theater in New York City while Dan suffers with a sprained wrist. Two sets of friends from Belgium visit for a few days as we make plans to see them this coming summer.
The season is then topped off with our spring sail, the Grenadines this year.