Cruising Maine in August is about as good as it gets. After some reprovisioning in Portland, we headed ‘down east’ working our way up to Acadia National Park with stops at Harpswell and Rockland. At Mt. Desert Island, we picked up a mooring at Seal Harbor and set off to find the bus which took us all thru the park. Even took a carriage ride along the magnificent trails. A side trip up the Penobscot River to Bangor, then on to Camden on route to Tenants Harbor. A quick stop in Rockport turned into most of a day as we visited with photographer Peter Ralston and had a great lobster roll. While with Peter, we met Mac Ferris who then gave us a tour of a museum quality boat he worked on Lionheart Concerto. This led us to visit with Libby Schrum in Camden who did many of the detailed pieces in the boat. We have now added one of Libby’s pieces to our wonderful collection of artisan furniture. From there we worked our way west to see the Geros and Rapps at Tenants Harbor. While there, we enjoyed a bi-plane ride at the Owls Head Transportation museum. Then on to a wonderful weekend with the Plimpton’s and friends at Cow Island. After a short stay in Portland, we decided hurricane Irene was closing in on us and we should hightail it home….the first time we have ever headed south to avoid a hurricane! With one stop on route at Cape Ann where our new friends Ian and Josie Gardiner provided a mooring and dinner, we headed for Boston. With a stop in Hull, we handed the boat off to Peter Mahoney who took it to Fairhaven, MA where it was hauled and put in storage during the storm. Tom and Jean Fisher were kind enough to take us to Logan and we were home in time for dinner. The summer was so wonderful, we are now considering making New England our summer home on a little bigger boat…but there is at least one more long trip ahead next summer.