Fall in Europe 2020

We returned to Barcelona on Sept 22, just in time to greet our arriving guests from Coconut Grove, Wes and Alexis. A couple of days of sightseeing and visits with old friends before we were all off to Palma, Mallorca.
Beatrix and Graham, also from the Grove, had invited us all to join them for Grahams birthday bash. And a bash it was with a day on the beautiful yacht Falcoa Uno with great friends imbibing, swimming and dancing. A few more days on the island with our wonderful hosts and it was back to Barcelona for a few day.
The opportunity arose to join old friend Alessandro in Venice for a few days. What a great time to go with the Covid effect still in its grips. Turned out Alexis had a friend with a wonderful flat in the city that was available, so off we went. Walking the quietest city we have ever been in, the loudest noise was a rolling bag. A day trip to Murano and the charming Burano. A wonderful visit with both Alessandro and his new friend.