In early June, after the sea trial of a Greenline 33 hybrid in Ft. Lauderdale and an inspection of a sister ship in Annapolis we traded in the Chris Craft for the Greenline. We arranged to pick up “True Green” on the 20th of July in Annapolis. We expected to spend a few days organizing the entire household that is required for cruising boat. Instead we spent the better part of a sweltering week arranging for a number of fixes to the boat before it was ready to cruise.
Before leaving Florida, we were both tested for the Covid 19 virus and pledged we would wear masks in public, limit our restaurant visit to outside dinning only and let our friends decide if they wanted to visit with us. We did manage to visit our friends Sherri and Per at their home in on the Maryland shore and did a quick sea trial over to visit Megan and Glenn in Easten, MD while getting the boat ready.
Finally, on the 29th we headed out with Baltimore as our first stop. The waterfront has been nicely rebuilt and we enjoyed a visit to the National Aquarium. On thru the C&D canal to Cape May where we planned to visit for a couple of days. Our stay here was extended as we watched the path of hurricane Isaias that ended up making landfall just south of Cape May.
Our next stop was Atlantic City a place of no return where Mr. Trump created an un-holy mess. Moving up the Jersey coast we stopped near Tom’s River and then on to Jersey City next to Ellis Island and statue of Liberty. As New York had a mandatory 14 day quarantine, we elected not to stop and proceeded up the East River, thru Hell’s gate and into Long Island Sound stopping in Stanford, Ct.
Stanford to Branford was an easy 35 mile run to another Safe Harbor marina using Dockwa for our reservations. On route to Watch Hill, RI, we stopped for a swim at Fishers Island and cruised by Latimer Light were Dan’s parents ashes were spread. At Watch Hill, Dan’s brother Dave had arranged dockage for us together with the loan of car and great hospitality. We got to visit with two of Dan’s nephews and family and enjoy a day at their ‘shack’ on Misquamicut Beach.

Click on the picture to see the album of this trip