Greek road trip 2024

Greek Road Trip May 2024…and a little Albania

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Leaving Barcelona we flew to Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece located at the north side of the Aegean Sea. A great waterfront park, Roman ruins and the regular mix of plazas and cathedrals. We then headed to Olympus National Park and visited the old city. 150 mile drive that day took as across lots of farm land to Kalabka.

Kalabaka is the home of the famous Hermit Caves that are really monasteries build on these pilars of stone. As atheists we continue to wonder at the fortitude of those dedicated to a god. Really look at the pictures of these structures. We did enjoy the wine in this region at $2.50/liter.

Moving on to Karpenisi we encounter the mountain roads in Greece with their repeating hair pin turns. We were now up the mountains at the local ski resort with amazing views. On our way to Fidakia we encountered a washed out road that really made one wonder if going ahead was a good idea, but it worked. Beautiful lakes and small mountain villages.

Driving back down to sea level, we spent the night at Preveza. On to the Roman ruins at Nikopoli that seem to stretch forever. The lovely walled city of Ioannini was a wonderful lunch stop and chance to wander the back streets. On our way to catch the ferry to Corfu, we came across an amazing mountain road at Vrosina…hang on.

Arriving in Corfu where True East had spent the winter, we found all of the works had not been completed….so, off on another road trip. This time we headed north for a tour of Albania. We started on the ferry from Corfu to Serranda where we toured the city and rented a car the following day.

Following along the coast we headed for the capital city of Tirana. Well, it kind of follows the coast about 3,000 feet above the steep cliffs. A number of new seaside resorts are being carved out where there might be a minuscule stretch of beach. We stopped at Orikum to inspect the only marina in Albania, pretty remote but serviceable. On thru the mountains to the port of Durres. It is primarily a commercial port with facilities for a couple of recreational boats far removed from the city. Promises of a major marina/housing development….promises, promises.

Tirana turned out to be an iteresting city with some of most interesting high rise architecture we ever seen. Headed south we were again in the mountains as we worked our way down to the ancient walled city of Gjirokaster, just wonderfull. Albania built about 175,000 underground shelters during the Cold War, big and small. We took a side trip to Siri i Kalter National Park, home of the Blue Hole. This is a naturally occurring spring that is very deep and very blue and offered a chance for a good hike.

Now it is time to return to Corfu and fire up True East for an Adriatic summer.

Greek Road Trip 2024

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