We returned home in October in time for the Ft Lauderdale boat show and a Mahoney visit, thankfully only a tender this year. Tennis resumes for Dan on a regular basis.
Lot’s of festivals and fun in the Grove such as the King Mango Strut. November finds Dan in Boston for some visits and the celebration of Meg Little’s 93 great years on this small planet. For Thanksgiving, a trip to London via Paris for a few days of sightseeing.
The Patriot’s vs. Dolphins finds Kristi, Diva’s and Tony & Julia Prigmore in the Grove for dinner and a visit. Jazz concerts at Adrienne Arscht center on Friday nights.
In December we are in Boston again for visits, on to RI for a Prigmore x-mas then to NJ for a visit with Kristi and Chris with an overnight in NYC before returning home for a New Years Eve party on the roof deck.
January is a quiet month at home with lots of tennis and golf. Dan’s new project becomes a review of the condo managment…oy vey, don’t ask. Febuary brings on the Coconut Grove Art’s festival and Miami Boat show. Wonderful visit with the Gero’s and the Chisholms.
March find’s us back in Boston for Dan’s brother’s 50th wedding anniversary. The same weekend Marcia and Kristi spring a surprise 70th birthday party for Dan at the Children’s Museum with about 60 great friends from all stages of his life. Returning home a new RV friend, Cooper, stops for a visit and then we are off to the Bahamas for three weeks. It’s like the birthday does not stop as Sari Abul Jabain joins us, then Howard Yuan shows up for a surprise visit while Kristi and Chris are with us. Marcia’s brother Tim and family also join us for week in from Colorado. Busy month.
April calms down again as we flush out the details of our upcoming spring, summer and fall trips. Marcia’s best friend Megan Trovato get’s married in Bimini to Glen the sailor man.
It’s now May 5th and we board our outbounds flights this afternoon. Follow the links to Idaho and Canadian Maritimes for our next adventures.