Travels of the Land and Sea Team
Leading a down sized life where the home base is a condo in the Miami area, air travel is restricted to carry-on bags, and when even the dog is under ten pounds this downsizing provides us with the flexibility to travel and explore during much of the year.
In addition for our primary home in the Grove, we have several mobile homes that are positioned on Land and Sea, depending on the year and the season. For more on the fleet, go to Mobile Homes. In 2015 we also added a small flat in Barcelona as our secondary home.
The winter will find us in Coconut Grove, FL for a couple of months were we can entertain friends while we wait for the rest of the country to thaw out. For a number of years, he spring and fall find us in the GMC avoiding the crowds and visiting friends. Now that our summers are in Europe, the GMC is mothballed for now.
The summer finds us on the water somewhere, again seeking out our friends or having them join us on True East. Throw in a few trips or sailing adventures and the years plans fill up rather quickly.
In this blog we try to set forth our plans and capture our memories….while we are still able to remember.